
Lançamentos Gringos: Agosto/2019

Vem conferir o que sai lá na gringa esse mês!


Vow of Thieves (Dance of Thieves #2)
de Mary E. Pearson
(6 de agosto)

Kazi and Jase have survived, stronger and more in love than ever. Their new life now lies before them―the Ballengers will be outlaws no longer, Tor’s Watch will be a kingdom, and the two of them will meet all challenges side by side, together at last.

But an ominous warning mars their journey back, and in their rush to return to Tor’s Watch, just outside the fortress walls, they are violently attacked and torn apart―and each is thrust into their own new hell.

Unsure whether the other is alive or dead, Kazi and Jase must keep their wits among their greatest enemies and unlikeliest allies. And all the while, Death watches and waits.

Mari: Essa é a continuação de “Dance of Thieves – Dinastia de Ladrões”, o spin off das Crônicas de Amor e Ódio. Todos lançados aqui no Brasil pela DarkSide. Provavelmente logo saberemos sobre o lançamento de Vow of Thieves por aqui!

Hello Girls
de Brittany Cavallaro e Emily Henry
(6 de agosto)

Best friends are forged by fire. For Winona Olsen and Lucille Pryce, that fire happened the night they met outside the police station—both deciding whether to turn their families in.

Winona has been starving for life in the seemingly perfect home that she shares with her seemingly perfect father, celebrity weatherman Stormy Olsen. No one knows that he locks the pantry door to control her eating and leaves bruises where no one can see them.

Lucille has been suffocating beneath the needs of her mother and her drug-dealing brother, wondering if there’s more out there for her than disappearing waitress tips and generations of barely getting by.

One harrowing night, Winona and Lucille realize they can’t wait until graduation to start their new lives. They need out. Now. All they need is three grand, fast. And really, a stolen convertible to take them from Michigan to Las Vegas can’t hurt.

Mari: Eu adoro os livros da Emily Henry, que infelizmente não é conhecida por aqui. Esse novo livro dela, coescrito com Brittany Cavallaro, parece ser mais contemporâneo e menos “realismo fantastico”. Sem previsão de lançamento no Brasil.

The First Girl Child
de Amy Harmon
(20 de agosto)

From ​the New York Times bestselling author comes a breathtaking fantasy of a cursed kingdom, warring clans, and unexpected salvation.

Bayr of Saylok, bastard son of a powerful and jealous chieftain, is haunted by the curse once leveled by his dying mother. Bartered, abandoned, and rarely loved, she plagued the land with her words: From this day forward, there will be no daughters in Saylok.

Raised among the Keepers at Temple Hill, Bayr is gifted with inhuman strength. But he’s also blessed with an all-too-human heart that beats with one purpose: to protect Alba, the first girl child born in nearly two decades and the salvation for a country at risk.

Now the fate of Saylok lies with Alba and Bayr, whose bond grows deeper with every whisper of coming chaos. Charged with battling the enemies of their people, both within and without, Bayr is fueled further by the love of a girl who has defied the scourge of Saylok.

What Bayr and Alba don’t know is that they each threaten the king, a greedy man who built his throne on lies, murder, and betrayal. There is only one way to defend their land from the corruption that has overtaken it. By breaking the curse, they could defeat the king…but they could also destroy themselves.

Mari: Amy Harmon! Gosto quando ela escreve romance, gosto quando escreve fantasia! Ansiosa para esse novo lançamento diferentão dela. Sem previsão de lançamento no Brasil.

The Revolution of Birdie Randolph
de Brandy Colbert
(20 de agosto)

Perfect for fans of Nina LaCour and Nicola Yoon comes a novel about first love and family secrets from Stonewall Book Award winner Brandy Colbert.

Dove “Birdie” Randolph works hard to be the perfect daughter and follow the path her parents have laid out for her: She quit playing her beloved soccer, she keeps her nose buried in textbooks, and she’s on track to finish high school at the top of her class. But then Birdie falls hard for Booker, a sweet boy with a troubled past…whom she knows her parents will never approve of.

When her estranged aunt Carlene returns to Chicago and moves into the family’s apartment above their hair salon, Birdie notices the tension building at home. Carlene is sweet, friendly, and open-minded–she’s also spent decades in and out of treatment facilities for addiction. As Birdie becomes closer to both Booker and Carlene, she yearns to spread her wings. But when long-buried secrets rise to the surface, everything she’s known to be true is turned upside down.

Mari: Esse lançamento tá sendo bem comentado lá fora e vale dizer que também comparado com duas escritoras de sucesso Nina LaCour e Nicola Yoon. Parece um YA daqueles para refletir e marcar! Não encontrei informações sobre lançamento no Brasil.

These Divided Shores (Stream Raiders #2)
de Sara Raasch
(27 de agosto)

The thrilling sequel to These Rebel Waves—full of deadly magic, double crosses, and a revolution—from Sara Raasch, the bestselling author of the Snow Like Ashes series.

As a child, she committed unforgivable acts to free Grace Loray from King Elazar of Argrid. Now Elazar’s plan to retake the island has surpassed Lu’s darkest fears: he’s holding her and his son, Ben, captive in an endlessly shifting prison, forcing them to make a weapon that will guarantee Elazar’s success. Escape is impossible—unless Lu becomes the ruthless soldier she hoped never to be again.

Vex failed to save Lu and Ben—and that torments him as much as his Shaking Sickness. With the disease worsening, Vex throws himself into the rebellion against Argrid. The remaining free armies are allied with the stream raider syndicates—and getting them to cooperate will take a strength Vex thought burned on a pyre six years ago.

Imprisoned, betrayed, and heartbroken, Ben is determined to end his father’s rampage. Watching Elazar sway the minds of Grace Loray as he did those of Argrid, Ben knows he has to play his father’s game of devotion to win this war. But how can a heretic prince defeat the Pious God?

As armies clash and magic rises, Lu, Vex, and Ben will confront their pasts . . . or lose their futures forever.

Mari: Essa é a sequencia de These Rebel Waves, da série Stream Raiders, que é a nova série de livros da Sara Raasch, que escreveu a trilogia “Neve e Cinzas”, já lançada no Brasil. A Plataforma21 comprou os direitos para lançar essa série no Brasil, mas ainda não temos previsão de data.





IMAGINE ME será o livro final da série Estilhaça-me e será lançado dia 31 de março de 2020. Sinopse:

The explosive finale to the New York Times and USA Today bestselling Shatter Me series.

Juliette Ferrars.

Ella Sommers.

Which is the truth and which is the lie?

Now that Ella knows who Juliette is and what she was created for, things have only become more complicated. As she struggles to understand the past that haunts her and looks to a future more uncertain than ever, the lines between right and wrong—between Ella and Juliette—blur. And with old enemies looming, her destiny may not be her own to control.

The day of reckoning for the Reestablishment is coming. But she may not get to choose what side she fights on.



Netflix anunciou a produção de série baseada no livro Tiny Pretty Things, de Sona Charaipotra e Dhonielle Clayton, lançado em 2015. O livro conta também com uma sequencia, Shiny Broken Pieces, lançado em 2016.

A primeira temporada da série terá 10 episódios e está previsto para ser lançada em 2020.

Baseado no livro, a trama de Tiny Pretty Things é ambientada no mundo de uma academia de balé de elite e mapeia a ascensão e queda de jovens adultos que moram longe de suas casas, cada um em pé à beira da grandeza ou ruína. Como a única escola de dança de elite de Chicago, a Archer School of Ballet serve como a escola da empresa renomada companhia profissional da cidade: City Works Ballet.

O livro é descrito como “Quando Black Swan encontra Pretty Little Liars”

O elenco conta com Lauren Holly (Designated Survivor), Kylie Jefferson (do clipe Schoolboy – Q’s Chopstix), Casimere Jollette (Code Black), Daniela Norman (Cats), Brennan Clost (The Next Step: Academia de Dança), Michael Hsu Rosen (Jessica Jones), Damon J. Gillespie (The Society), Bayardo De Murguia (Shooter), Barton Cowperthwaite (Fosse/Verdon), Tory Trowbridge (Broadway’s The Cher Show) e Jess Salgueiro (The Boys).


Black Swan meets Pretty Little Liars in this soapy, drama-packed novel featuring diverse characters who will do anything to be the prima at their elite ballet school.

Gigi, Bette, and June, three top students at an exclusive Manhattan ballet school, have seen their fair share of drama. Free-spirited new girl Gigi just wants to dance—but the very act might kill her. Privileged New Yorker Bette’s desire to escape the shadow of her ballet-star sister brings out a dangerous edge in her. And perfectionist June needs to land a lead role this year or her controlling mother will put an end to her dancing dreams forever.

When every dancer is both friend and foe, the girls will sacrifice, manipulate, and backstab to be the best of the best.

Os livros não foram lançados no Brasil.


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