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Lançamentos Gringos: Fevereiro/2019

Vem conferir o que sai lá na gringa esse mês!


Lady Smoke (Ash Princess Trilogy #2)
de Laura Sebastian
(5 de fevereiro)

The sequel to the instant New York Times bestseller that was “made for fans of Victoria Aveyard and Sabaa Tahir” ( Bustle ), Lady Smoke is an epic new fantasy about a throne cruelly stolen and a girl who must fight to take it back for her people.

The Kaiser murdered Theodosia’s mother, the Fire Queen, when Theo was only six. He took Theo’s country and kept her prisoner, crowning her Ash Princess–a pet to toy with and humiliate for ten long years. That era has ended. The Kaiser thought his prisoner weak and defenseless. He didn’t realize that a sharp mind is the deadliest weapon.

Theo no longer wears a crown of ashes. She has taken back her rightful title, and a hostage–Prinz Soren. But her people remain enslaved under the Kaiser’s rule, and now she is thousands of miles away from them and her throne.

To get them back, she will need an army. Only, securing an army means she must trust her aunt, the dreaded pirate Dragonsbane. And according to Dragonsbane, an army can only be produced if Theo takes a husband. Something an Astrean Queen has never done.

Theo knows that freedom comes at a price, but she is determined to find a way to save her country without losing herself.

Raíssa: Essa capa é maravilhosa DEMAIS! Só olhando pra ela já da vontade de o ler. A sinopse também nos trás uma fantasia bem girl power onde a protagonista quer recuperar o trono que foi roubado de sua familia. Além de trazer a tona a história de Kaiser o que me desperta bastante curiosidade desde que li sobre nos livros da Sarah J Maas. Esse livro parece ser repleto de uma mitologia maravilhosa e acho impossível amantes de fantasias não quer lê-lo.

Fame, Fate, and the First Kiss
de Kasie West
(5 de fevereiro)

Lacey Barnes has dreamt of being in a movie for as long as she can remember. However, while her dream did include working alongside the hottest actor in Hollywood, it didn’t involve having to finish up her senior year of high school at the same time she was getting her big break. Although that is nothing compared to Donavan, the straight-laced student her father hires to tutor her, who is a full-on nightmare.

As Lacey struggles to juggle her burgeoning career, some on-set sabotage, and an off-screen romance with the unlikeliest of leading men, she quickly learns that sometimes the best stories happen when you go off script.

Raíssa: Eu sou suspeita de falar de Kasie West porque não tem um único livro eu tenha lido dela que não amei. Essa autora é mestre em fazer aqueles livros clichês que a gente lê sinopse e fala, meu deu eu já li uns mil livros parecidos dai quando tu o lê tu se vê chorando, gritando e suspirando e Fame, Fate, and the First Kiss parece que vai ter as mesmas emoções. Já recomendo!

The Cerulean (Untitled Duology #1)
de Amy Ewing
(5 de fevereiro)

Sera has always felt as if she didn’t belong among her people, the Cerulean. She is curious about everything and can’t stop questioning her three mothers, her best friend, Leela, and even the High Priestess. Sera has longed for the day when the tether that connects her City Above the Sky to the earthly world below finally severs and sends the Cerulean to a new planet.

But when Sera is chosen as the sacrifice to break the tether, she doesn’t know what to feel. To save her City, Sera must throw herself from its edge and end her own life. But something goes wrong and she survives the fall, landing in a place called Kaolin. She has heard tales about the humans there, and soon learns that the dangers her mothers warned her of are real. If Sera has any hope to return to her City, she’ll have to find the magic within herself to survive.

Raíssa: Esse era um lançamento que eu estava aguardando há bastante tempo e o motivo não é só pela capa ou pelas diversas resenhas das gringas o indicando bastante, mas sim por ler a sinopse e já vê que ele tem tudo pra ser incrível. Uma fantasia que envolve outros mundos e outros seres bem no estilo As Crônicas Lunares ou o filme que mais amo na vida, A Outra Terra. Mal vejo a hora de o ler!

I Owe You One
de Sophie Kinsella
(5 de fevereiro)

Fixie Farr has always lived by her father’s motto: “Family first.” But since her dad passed away, leaving his charming housewares store in the hands of his wife and children, Fixie spends all her time picking up the slack from her siblings instead of striking out on her own. The way Fixie sees it, if she doesn’t take care of her father’s legacy, who will? It’s simply not in her nature to say no to people.

So when a handsome stranger in a coffee shop asks her to watch his laptop for a moment, Fixie not only agrees—she ends up saving it from certain disaster. Turns out the computer’s owner is an investment manager. To thank Fixie for her quick thinking, Sebastian scribbles an IOU on a coffee sleeve and attaches his business card. But Fixie laughs it off—she’d never actually claim an IOU from a stranger. Would she?

Then Fixie’s childhood crush, Ryan, comes back into her life and his lack of a profession pushes all of Fixie’s buttons. She wants nothing for herself—but she’d love Seb to give Ryan a job. And Seb agrees, until the tables are turned once more and a new series of IOUs between Seb and Fixie—from small favors to life-changing moments—ensues. Soon Fixie, Ms. Fixit for everyone else, is torn between her family and the life she really wants. Does she have the courage to take a stand? Will she finally grab the life, and love, she really wants?

Raíssa: SOPHIE KINSELLA! Apenas não preciso dizer mais nada além disso para você querer o ler, certo? haha Sophie é simplesmente a melhor escritora de Chick Lit. Os livros dela sempre me deixam feliz pela maioria das vezes se tratar de garotas da minha idade e principalmente que ela trás a tona nossa realidade com uma pitada de comédia. Claramente preciso desse livro pra ontem.

Courting Darkness (Courting Darkness Duology #1)
de Robin LaFevers
(5 de fevereiro)

Death wasn’t the end, it was only the beginning…

Sybella has always been the darkest of Death’s daughters, trained at the convent of Saint Mortain to serve as his justice. But she has a new mission now. In a desperate bid to keep her two youngest sisters safe from the family that nearly destroyed them all, she agrees to accompany the duchess to France, where they quickly find themselves surrounded by enemies. Their one ray of hope is Sybella’s fellow novitiates, disguised and hidden deep in the French court years ago by the convent—provided Sybella can find them.

Genevieve has been undercover for so many years, she struggles to remember who she is or what she’s supposed to be fighting for. Her only solace is a hidden prisoner who appears all but forgotten by his guards. When tragedy strikes, she has no choice but to take matters into her own hands—even if it means ignoring the long awaited orders from the convent.

As Sybella and Gen’s paths draw ever closer, the fate of everything they hold sacred rests on a knife’s edge. Will they find each other in time, or will their worlds collide, destroying everything they care about?

Mari: Estou muito ansiosa por esse lançamento! Olhem essa capa linda e essa sinopse toda dark! Robin LaFevers já tem uma série lançada no Brasil pela Plataforma21, a saga Clã das Freiras Assassinas (que está na minha lista de leitura) e, pelo que entendi, Courting Darkness é uma continuação/spin-off dessa saga das Freiras. Não consegui informações sobre se é necessário a leitura da trilogia anterior, mas vale a pena dar uma olhada nessas duas séries que parecem ser muito interessantes! E esperando que a Plataforma21 lance esse livro por aqui também!




Adaptação de Deixe a Neve Cair já tem elenco escolhido!

Deixe a Neve Cair, adaptação do livro escrito por John Green, Maureen Johnson e Lauren Myracle, teve seu elenco escolhido. Isabela Moner (Dora, a Exploradora), Shameik Moore (Homem-Aranha no Aranhaverso), Kiernan Shipka (O Mundo Sombrio de Sabrina), Odeya Rush (Lady Bird), Jacob Batalon (Homem-Aranha De Volta ao Lar), Joan Cusack (Escola de Rock) foram confirmados no longa da Netflix. Ainda não se sabe qual ator fará qual personagem.

O filme contará com Luke Snellin na direção e a produção terá início na primeira parte deste ano. A data de lançamento ainda não foi divulgada.


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